Hi readers! I'm Lorraine, a freshie from NUS Environmental Studies. Welcome to my first ever environmental blog!
In my first blog post, I'll be discussing about an interesting article that I came across yesterday! This article is titled "Smart solar palm trees power Wi-Fi, phones in Dubai" . It mentioned that Dubai has created this new "species" of palm trees (see the pictures below) that can harness the sun's energy to convert to energy that allows people to access Wi-Fi, charge their phones and look up city information for free. Isn't this so cool? Okay, let me calm down to continue writing with a clear mind. Being cool aside, I think that it is a huge step taken by Dubai towards being a sustainable city. Aside from this solar palm, Dubai has re-launched Al Khazan Park as the first Dubai park to run completely on solar power and is moving ahead with plans to build the Desert Rose, a sustainable city for a population of 160,000.
Photos of the solar palm tree. Source: Smart Palm/Facebook
This can be an example for tropical countries like Singapore to follow to move towards being a more sustainable city, provided that there are sufficient funding by the governments and companies. Who knows? Maybe we will see a solar palm tree in Singapore one day! With corporations and the government supporting the research and development of more sustainable ways to meet our daily needs, it will allow citizens to change their lifestyle and methods of consumption. Together, we can all work towards sustainable living! To read the full article, here is the link: http://www.trust.org/item/20150827112051-unqxf
"Small acts, when multiplied by millions of people, can transform the world."
-Howard Zinn
This is a quote by Howard Zinn that I strongly believe in. Never underestimate the wonders that can be done when many people come together. With just slight changes to our lifestyles, we can make Earth a better and livable world for our future generations.
I hope you've enjoyed reading my first post. Curious what is coming up next? Stay tune and till next time!
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